Saturday, October 1, 2011

Paper Straw Lovers World Wide…!!!

I have no idea what this blogger is saying about our PAPER STRAWS…..however I have to think “It’s all GOOD….”…!!!!
Here is her post….

En Sucker for USA Retro Stuff.

Jag är kanske lite besatt av att titta på fina bakelser, och snygga upplägg inför alla Holidays som kommer nu. Halloween, Thanksgiving och sen Julen.
Och ju mer jag tittar runt på olika sidor desto fler andra sidor hittar man.
Idag hittade jag en jättesöt sida med roliga saker att använda när man har gäster på besök, kanske dom lite mindre dock, men ändå gäster… hittade jag coola sugrör som är retro. Man kan ha dom till allt från att dricka mjölk ur till att dekorera kakor osv.
Eller bara se extremt chill ut när man dricker en cola på stan!
Tips: Glöm inte ett par Ray-ban Wayfarer och en 50-tals klänning för bästa effekt isåfall.
YES……our Paper Straws are making news all over the world….!!!!    Go HERE to find this site. 
The Sugar Diva

Oh thanks so much for you comment.....Here's the "English" version of the post above sent to me by a sweet reader...:)
Thank you Paige...!!

Anonymous Paige said...
It's Swedish (thanks, Google Translate). ******************** A sucker for U.S. Retro Stuff. I am perhaps a bit obsessed with looking at the fine pastries, and good-looking plan for all Holidays as now. Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas. And the more I look around on different pages, the more other pages can be found. Today I found a cute site with fun things to use when you have guests visiting, they might be a little less, but still people ... On I found cool straws, Retro. You can have them for everything from drinking milk out to decorate cakes and so on. Or just look extremely chill out while drinking a Coke on the town! Tip: Do not forget a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarer and a 50's dress for the best effect that case.
October 2, 2011 12:07 AM

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